When Irish Eyes are Smilin' !!!

"You think this shadow of doubt is hanging over my head...its just an angel whose wings hide the sun..."
HERE WE ARE.....I saved the best for last.....LOOKKEE LOOKKEE....this is the pic that my dearest LepMate has been on about and just dying for me to post for you all. Sorry I made you wait Love....{{{HUGS}}}
Yep....thats Kate's portrait he's holding. When we were getting ready to take this shot...Joe said to me, " 'ere...you 'old that and I'll 'old this...alright???..now smile!" He's so cute!!! What a moment, eh???? I was thrilled beyond belief to get this shot...special thanks to my niece Jessica for being the best photographer EVER!!!! Don't know what I would have done without her!
Phew....are you all ok? Still sitting upright or have you hit the floor? I know, I know...you're all busy wiping drool off your keyboards, right?? LOL...well hang on ladies, there's still more to come. We have 2 Lepps to go and a second visit from Mr. Collen!!! (to be cont'd.)
Don't go away....I'll post more soon :D
Ok ...here he is..or should I say here WE ARE!!! Can you handle it?? LOL I'm sure I know a couple of lovely ladies who are drooling all over their keyboards right now??? and you know who you are!! ENJOY my dears...I do have a few more pics of Mr. Savage that will follow just as soon as I re-size them to fit here. For now, enjoy this one...am I one lucky lady or what??? ;D