Slang'd Angel's Blog: 2005-02-20

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Greetings all!!! How is everyone today??? I'm currently being snowed in..LOL!! It started around 2 p.m. and its coming down in buckets now! Guess I'll be stuck indoors for a while, huh? Gives me a chance to write some interesting posts, eh? I'll have to skim thru some of my book and paste some bits here for you all to enjoy, how's that? I'm so glad that you guys are interested in reading it...wasn't to sure if anyone would care...I mean, I'm no AnneRice or DanielleSteel but I try:D
Thanks for sending me your blog addys ...I've already added a few and I'm gonna add the others when I'm done with this message. You are all making me feel so welcome...thank you, it means alot.
Oops...didn't realize it was so close to dinner time...have to dash off for now and feed the troop!! Promise to post some writing later....maybe after kids go to bed.
Hugs to you all....see ya soon!!
P.S.....OOOH MY GOD....I really am snowed in! Just looked out the window....WOW!!! All I see is white...and lots of it...he he!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

GREETINGS's everyone doing today? I'm feelin a bit better...thanks for your well wishes. In case you havent noticed, I've added a few things to my blog. A few links, friends, and pics..check 'em out!
I figured that since I'm new to this thing we call "blogland" I would tell you all alittle bit about myself today...I'll try not to bore you to tears. >LOL!! Hmmm...where should I start? Well, you already know that I live in NJ with my hubby of nearly 16 years (married when I was 12...LMAO!!!) :D....and our 2 great kids..daughter Erica is 14 going on 20 (and yes, I did have her when I was 13...LMAO....!!) :D...and son Alex who is 8 (you can do the math on that one!?!?) Just teasing....I'm just not telling my age!
I am a full-time mom and aspiring author of romance novels..(mainly vampire genre). One of them, my first, has peaked the interest of a publishing company and with any luck I'll be published sometime before the end of the summer. YIPPEE!!! It's a sensual tale of love, lust and revenge...and you're gonna love this my fellow LepLovers...its entitled "Blood Runs Cold". Ooh la la!! So I can assume that you can only guess who the main characters are based!!**wink,wink** Maybe if any of you; my fellow LepLusters are interested I'll post a little excerpt sometime...whatcha think? dearest friend as you all know is Kate..a.k.a "MystKate" and I love her to bits. Meeting her nearly 3 years ago was one of the most wonderful gifts I have ever received in my life. As she has mentioned in her blog, we have been lucky enough to spend time together when she and her wonderful husband Rich flew over here to the states to visit...not only once but TWICE...just to see l'il ole me. I'm one lucky lady! :D Now, if we can just work it out someday to actually fulfill our dream to attend a DEF LEP concert together... Well, like I keep telling my dear Kate, just keep hoping and dreaming, you never know what will happen if you don't keep trying, right?
So....I think that I have already written a bit more than I had expected to anyone snoring yet??? WAKE UP...>I'm finished...(for now , anyway) LOL!!! I wish you all the best and will write more tomorrow, unless I received numerous comments back begging me to stop. Farewell for now my friends...I'm off to do some laundry (exciting, huh?) and then maybe do a bit of working on a follow up already.
Take care everyone...keep those comments coming!
Love & peace,

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Well, I'm off to an exciting start, eh??? LOL.....Just joined the blogging bunch and haven't really had much to say now have I? Truth is I've been feeling abit under the weather since early yesterday afternoon and have been trying to rest. But I have checked in and seen all the welcoming comments left by all of you and I just wanted to post something really quick before I hit the couch with a nice warm blanket and good DVD for the evening to say THANK YOU for all you warm welcome wishes!! Keep 'em coming...I love hearing from you! I promise that once I'm feeling better I'll have alot more interesting things to say...I really not usually this boring...ask Kate! LOL...
So.. for now...I'll bid you all a fair goodnight....and see you soon in Blogland....peace, love and lots of DefLep!!!

LISA a.k.a. "Slang'd Angel"

OOh and btw fav lep is def...MR. PHIL COLLIN.....!!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I Feel So Stupid...

Ok, ok...I've had this blog up and running for 2 days and I still can't figure out how to do all the things I want to do to customize it...oh well...I guess I'll just keep trying...but I feel so stupid. I mean how hard could it be, right?
Anyway, as usual this weekend went way too fast and to make it worse, we're expecting a pretty decent snow storm here tonight..brrrrr! Really don't have too much to tell right now...but just wanted to say "HI" and be patient with me..I'm sure I'll have this thing up and running the way I want it to be in a couple of days....
Until then-Live, Love & Be well!!!