I guess I got so carried away last week planning his birthday dinner and the small surprise birthday bash for him on Friday that I forgot to post something here...SHAME ON ME!!!
So...even though its a few days late...the message is still as sincere as it would have been on Thurs. March 9th...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY...I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART !!!!! I hope you enjoyed your day...we tried to make it extra special for you. I also hope you had a good time at your party on Friday. The fact that I'm still alive to tell everyone about it leads me to believe that you didn't intend to kill me for surprising you by having some friends over to help you celebrate...LOL

We all had a really good time, so I guess you could call the party a success...YEAH!!!! its back to the grind..{{sigh}} I've got both kids home sick from school with colds and I'm desperately trying to get some work done on my book so I can FINALLY send it out to see if it will go anywhere (fingers crossed and prayers please!!! I need all the good vibes I can get).
And yes my dearest LepMate...I promise to send you more as I finish it...I know you're probably dying to read more...Bless your heart...and I promise to send some more pages soon! BTW...I MISS YOU!!! MUAH!!
So...I had better dash...but I'll be back soon to blogland, hopefully, on a more regular please forgive me for not commenting as much as I used to on your blogs my friends. I did post some comments yesterday to some of them. Just trying to catch up...I'll get there
Love and hugs to you all...I hope you're having a great week!!!
Ciao' for now...