Slang'd Angel's Blog: 2005-03-20

Saturday, March 26, 2005


YIPPEE.....I'm going...I'm going.....YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Just logged on and got my tix for DEF LEPPARD!!! I'm so excited!!!
First I logged on to Yahoo this morning and when I launched the radio happened about a sign!! The very first song to come on was "She's Only Happy When She's Dancin'." by Bryan we go again...DEF LEP came on with "Animal"!!!
I have no idea whats up with this sh*t but it's startin' to freak me out a little....LOL
I have only logged on a few times this past week and every time I do the same thing happens.
So I proceeded to log on to Ticketmaster and got my tix for the show on July 5th.
I'm soooooooooooooo happy!!! Now comes the wait....
I'm sure it will be well worth it though....its been so long....too long if you ask me. Anyway...just wanted to fill you all in on my fantastic news....I'm sure you all know how I feel right now...we've all been there right??? Waiting and waiting for the show announcements....then for the tix to go on sale...then finally getting them.....its like a slow form of torture waiting for the night of the show to arrive....but when it gets is DEFinitely worth the wait!!
So here's to all of us...the patient....the faithful....the obsessed (LOL) ;D....and the true Lep Fans!!
Have a great weekend everyone...and for those of you who celebrate...HAPPY EASTER!!
See you all soon.....

Words for the day: "I've got to feel it in my blood.....
And I want.....and I need....and i lust....ANIMAL...."

Monday, March 21, 2005


Ok, ok....this is getting really weird!!! It's happening again!! I'm sitting here writing abit more of my story and I tuned into Yahoo again to listen to some music. The MINUTE I tuned in...the first song was "I Aint Gonna Cry" by Bryan Adams....then.....YEP you guessed it!!!
Without having to skip a song I didn't like....OUR BOYS came on immediately after it with "Pour Some Sugar On Me"....LOL...YIKES!!! Is someone tryin' to tell me something because I'm getting alittle freaked out here. This keeps happening to me! Is it just coincidence or a sign? I don't know which but I can tell ya this makes a really weird feeling in my stomach each time it happens...a "Good" kinda weird though...not a "bad" one. Wish I knew what it all meant, if anything. Maybe I'm just nuts but you have to admit it is
So anyway...I sit here smiling and still a believer as I professed to be last week...this is going to be a great summer!! ;D
I AM gonna get published ( or die trying ) and I AM gonna see the LEPPS again...hopefully more than once if I'm lucky enough.
TTYL....Live, love and be well my friends!

Words for the day: "Its hard to hold your head up...when you're kneeling down to pray...and talkin dont come easy now when the words get in the way."