Slang'd Angel's Blog: 2005-04-10

Friday, April 15, 2005

Calling All Angels....

Hi there is a very important message to me because I'm calling all friends who so sweetly sent all your well wishes and prayers this way when Dad was undergoing his surgery. I need your support and prayers again..
As you all may remember, Dad was in the local convalescent center receiving rehabilitation after his hip replacement surgery and while he was there, he seemed to be doing fair at first. As the last week started, he appeared more and more lethargic and borderline delirious...raising much concern amongst the family. Well, unfortunately, he was taken to the hospital on Wednesday and was found to be severly dehydrated and very delirious and disoriented. They ran some tests immediately and stuck him with an IV to begin hydrating him...
Thank God, their first thought of stroke, was ruled out...but what was causing his condition still remained a mystery. They could not get him to come around...its been horrible.
Finally, last night, Mom called, after spending the day with him and waiting for his doctors to show up, she spoke with his doctor and they found out that he has pneumonia (prob. spelled that even though it is at long last an answer to what the hell is wrong with him...its not a great answer or one that any of us wanted to hear.'m calling out to all my "Angels" for your continued prayers and positive thoughts for Dad....he has been through so much over the past year (someday I'll fill you in on it prob won't believe me, there has been so much)...but he has made it through...we're all just in prayer right now that his poor body can still fight well enough to once again be the Dad we all know and love so much....
I'll keep you all posted on his condition....and please....Keep those prayers coming....hugs to you all...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Let's Hear It For The LEPPS!!!

Just a quick little blog entry for all my fellow LEP LOVERS!!!

First: How awesome is it when you're having a lousy day and then you go to your mailbox and find your DEF LEPPARD concert tickets inside...YIPPEE :D

Second: How cute is it be driving in the car with your 8 year old son who's playing with your cell-phone because his favorite ring tone is "HYSTERIA"..and when you tell him that you don't have that particular on any CD in your car..he proceeds to tell you to call the radio station and tell them to play it just for him- PRICELESS!!! ;D

Third: How utterly cool is it to be downstairs in your bedroom doing some ironing and through your ceiling you can hear your kid's stereo blasting out some rock don't mind though because the next song they play is "FOOLIN" and you hear your teenage daughter belting it out word for that's COOL!!!

There are some days its truly great to be alive..when the simplest little things make all the difference and help us to forget all the other bullshit along the way!
Have a great day my friends....

Monday, April 11, 2005

Somebody Help Me!!

Somebody save me....the kids are home on Spring Break and I'm losing my mind after only one day!!! :C Today has felt like a scene from "Revenge of the Teenagers" around here...UGH...I feel sick to my stomach, my nerves are on edge, and my stomach feels like I swallowed a bucket of rotten eggs...Yuck!! My daughter had 3 of her friends over today and they all decided to start painting her room...then proceeded to not only venture out onto our roof (which might I add has as 45 degree pitch...and she has already been warned not to go out there!) and hang out as if it were a tanning salon; complete with pillows and all, but when they came back inside they proceeded to start a paint fight..WHAT A MESS!!!
What was I said the other day??? "Teenagers..gotta love 'em"?? Well...ask me later in the week if that statement still holds this rate she'll be lucky if she makes it to 15..LOL!!
My son on the other hand was well behaved...Thank God for that. If they had double teamed me, you would all have to reach me at! (fictional site)
Anyway...hopefully tomorrow will be a bit calmer now that hubby read her the riot act later in the evening. She truly is a great kid...but when she has her moments...they usually last a day or two.
I truly didn't log on tonight to rant and rave...just wanted to let you all know that I tried TaeKwonDo tonight and had a blast...for the most part. It was alittle tough on my body after the stressful day I had...and I had to sit out the last 15 minutes for fear that I was gonna pass out...not because it was too difficult...but my stomach had been giving me horrible trouble all day and I think I let myself get dehydrated. I made it fine through the first 45 minutes..but then I suddenly started to feel dizzy and shakey so I downed half a bottle of water and got some fresh air. Hubby told me not to push I sat out the last bit of class. But I will go again..that's for sure. It was easier than I thought it would be and alot of fun!!
So THANK YOU to all of you for your encouragement and cheerleading....I took your advice and am glad I did!! Will keep you posted on how things are progressing!
I'm about to crawl into bed now...just wanted to post a little something before I turned in and say "HI" to all my pals in Blogland....esp. my dearest Kate who I keep missing on Yahoo lately. I MISS YOU TONS DEARIE!!! and love ya' bunches; hope to see you tomorrow and have a good 'ole chat!
Will post more sure I'll have many more interesting and humorous stories to tell by week's end. If today was any indication of how this week is going to go...I just might need to vent on a daily basis...LMAO!!!
Anyway, hugs to all of you..and I'll see you soon! NIGHT NIGHT!!!

Words for the day: "Let me down slow n' easy...cause there ain't nothin' I can do. I hope and pray my faith won't leave me...when it comes down to me and you. Try a little tenderness...I die alittle... for a long lost sweet caress..."