Slang'd Angel's Blog: 2005-09-04

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Just a quick post calling out to all my "Angels" and Dear friends...
Dad has been struggling through the worst days he has ever had. Since the weekend we have all been living on the edge of our worst nightmare and Dad is still in ICU fighting for his life. (Between his heart & blood pressure going berserk, weak lungs,and numerous infections combined with sky rocketing fevers -last one was 104.7-and lingering pneumonia...its a horrid mess.)
Each day that passes is harder than the one before...each time the phone rings my stomach winds up in my throat and my poor husband and Mother-in-law are running on...I don't know this point. "God please bless them both as well as Dad in this difficult time. "
I'm so scared and stressed out and I feel helpless most of the time...I don't know how much more the family can take..esp. poor Mom.
So I'm calling to all my beautiful "Angels" and Dearest friends to ask you all once again to please keep your prayers in motion for Dad....if there ever was a time that he needed an angel on his shoulder...this is it! I thank God for my many blessings each day and include you all...words can't express my gratitude for your friendship and support...{{{{Great Big HUGS}}}}
I'll try to keep you all posted when I can...Love to you all and God Bless!!