Slang'd Angel's Blog: 2005-04-03

Friday, April 08, 2005


Phew....finally!! Been trying to post a blog entry for almost two days...each time I would complete a really awesome entry, I'd click to post it..and my damn computer would get that stupid error message saying that it couldnt find the server...thereby erasing my entire post....URGH!!! I am, finally. We've had some beautiful weather 'round these parts lately...lo..except of course for the downpour we had last night...but thank heavens its over and now we're back to beautiful sunny skies. Oh and btw, My Dear K.C....thanks for your concern dear..but thankfully we weren't in those areas that got all the horrid flooding.
Ok...quick update on Dad...he's out of the hospital and was transferred to a convalescent center here in town so he's on to rehab and physical therapy. Doctors hope he'll be back on his feet shortly...but it will def. be a rough journey (basically learning to walk again).
Ok, let's see....what's been happening around here...hmmmm
Ooh, Wrestlemania last Sunday was awesome!!Great matches...lots of fun!!
Hubby took a "trial class" at the kids TaeKwonDo school the other night. He did really well and he wasnt even sore aftewards....YEAH RICK!!Now he's trying to persuade to join up with him so he'll have some to spar ya think ladies?? Should I give it a shot???
(I need alittle encouragement here...lmao...;D ) I'm a bit nervous. I don't want to go out there and make a complete ass out of myself; I mean let's face it, I'm not 25 anymore..don't know if I can still move like that. But I guess it could be fun and hell, it would be kinda nice to work on firming my butt and toning those abs. I mean, who wouldn't want that right?? With summer comin' and all...gotta look good in those damn shorts...lmao!!
We'll see..I'll let you know what I decide and keep ya posted on that scenario.
My daughter came home from her friend's house the other day with BRIGHT RED streaks in her dark brown about Holy Gothic!! Whoa :O ...Honestly, it doesnt look bad though, just a bit brighter than she had hoped for..thank goodness it washes out. (Well, in a few weeks anyway) But I dread to think what the next trial color will be. Ahhhh, teenagers...gotta love 'em!?!??!?
So...I suppose that's all the news for now. Been keeping busy between the kids and the house and trying to get some writing done. There just arent' enough hours in the day...or the week for that matter.
I'm gonna sign off for now...have to take my son outside, he's been dying to ride his bike and he's waiting (not so) patiently. I'll see you all soon back here in Blogland. Until then my friends, I bid you all a fond farewell and a totally awesome weekend!!!

Words for the day: "I heard this line one time 'bout, tryin' to save the world...but have you ever tried to save yourself?"
"Strung out as the night comes crawlin'..your halo of thorns is fallin' - BLOOD RUNS COLD"