Ok...on to better things. Dad is doing great. He came home from the hospital on Monday evening and is adjusting pretty well. There are therapists and visiting nurses helping Mom out a few days a week so thats a big help. But he's getting back to his old self and feeling a bit stronger everyday. :D
Last night Rick and I went to TaeKwonDo class and we earned 2 "tapes" towards testing for our first belt (white) . For those of you who don't know what the hell I'm talking goes like this. When you are progressing and earning your way towards a belt promotion, there are steps and movements, "Form" as they call it, along with Self Defense, Breaking, and Kicking/Punching combinations that you have to know and perform. With each belt, you need to earn 6 "tapes"...which on a childs level are pieces of colored tape that they adhere to the collar (or belt) of their uniform and once they have all 6..they are ready to test for the next color belt. With adults, they dont give you the physical tapes when you are a "no belt" like just earn them and they make note of it on your attendance card...Ya with me so far?????LOL...then when I physically have a belt...then they will start adhering them to it. So for now...I just earn. And once Rick and I have all 6...we can test...which Master Kim told us last night would be June 3rd!!! Yeah!!! So...(Have I totally confused you all yet???LOL)...last night I received my black tape and my white I just need yellow, red, blue & green. We would have probably gotten one more...but class had ended just as we were being observed for the next form. So maybe next week. It usually takes a month or so to earn all 6 ...but we were told that we are progressing so well that we could have them all sooner!!
Not bad for someone who was apprehensive at first in even starting class, eh???
Its alot of fun and a great workout....I'm really enjoying myself tremendously!!
So...anyway...think I had better go...almost time to pick up Erica at school...and btw...she's testing tonight for her yellow belt. .(second level) SO...HOORAY FOR ERICA.....YOU GO GIRL!!! We're so proud of her..she's amazing...such strength and perfection...its amazing to watch!! ( Just bragging...proud Mom that I am...) But she truly is doing great..she's moved up to 3 nights a week from 2.
Ok everyone...have a wonderful weekend and just in case I dont get back here before Sunday...."HAPPY MOTHERS DAY" to all of you that are...HUGS!!! and may you each have a day that is as special as you are!!
With love & friendship....
Words for the day: "I swear the soul gets blistered, along the way...but when you heart the things you love;you gotta know: If you mean hope, if you mean fear----If you mean faith, if you mean love.. then I'm guilty... I'm guilty of all the above."