IAnd in the beginning.....
After the band left the stage...Erica and I stayed in our seats to avoid being trampled to death as the arena emptied out. Since we were only a section and a half (approx.) away from the side of the stage where the equipment was stacked..as well as Phil's guitars, his cases and his guitar tech (didn't catch his name) I suggested to Erica that we take a walk over and just have a look see.
I had seen Malvin wandering around over there several times earlier in the night and figured that maybe he would show up again. If he did, I wanted to say hello. Oooh I almost forgot to mention...since my last DefLep concert had led to an exciting afternoon of meeting the band and getting pics,etc....before I left the house, I made sure that I brought along with me a copy of the latest portrait Kate had drawn, just in case. You all know the one I'm talking about...the amazing one of Sav. I mean, with my unbelievable luck...I figured it couldnt hurt to be prepared...just in case, right???
So anyway...I took it out of my purse to have it handy incase I did see Malvin and was gonna possible ask him to take it from me and make sure it got to Sav himself. But...when we got over to the barracade...about 6 feet or so away from us was Phil's open guitar/gear case and his tech was re-stringing and putting away Phil's guitars. So I glanced over, watching him and I was shell-shocked when I noticed the portrait Kate had drawn of Phil tacked to the inside of the case. Memba???The one I gave to him in July @ the Lakewood show???
Check it out???? Look below....

So anyway...that guy in the pic is Phil's guitar tech..damn I wish I had asked his name..he was so nice. He saw the pic of Sav in my hand and asked me if I wanted to give it to Sav himself?? DUH?!?!?!?! I told him that we had only come over to have a look see and possibly say HI to Malvin if he was still hanging around and give the pic to him to pass along to Sav if it wasnt too much trouble.
So the tech asked us if we had spoken with the crew manager yet. I said "no" that I didn't even know him..so he volunteered to go and get him for me. Mind you...I never said a word ....I didn't ask him to do anything!!!
He vanishes around the corner to the opposite side of the stage and a few moments later this really nice guy comes over and asks us if we want to come back and give Sav his portrait ourselves!!!! OMFG>>>can you believe that???
I was in shock!!!
He opens the barracade for us and helps us step down and leads us backstage towards the dressing rooms...making sure we dont trip or get run over by any equipment cases along the way...lol. We wind up standing about 10 feet away from the doorway to the dressing rooms/hospitality rooms and he tells us not to go anywhere(like I would) and that he'd go and get Sav for us.
Is everyone ok??? I'm almost done with (with this part of the saga anyway..lol)
Have you fainted yet Sandy???Janna???
Ok...so he goes into the dressing rooms and when he comes out he tells us that Sav had tripped on Rick's drum risers when the band let the stage after their encore (OOh no!!) and that a doc was looking at his ankle or something and he'd be out shortly. But in the meantime...he told us that if anyone asked or messed with us..to tell them to come and get him. He said that we didn't have to go anywhere!!! How cool???
Then...it happened.....sorry girls no Sav yet....BUT....Erica and I are chatting away when all of a sudden....guess who pops out of the doorway?????
...to be cont'd.