Slang'd Angel's Blog: 2006-05-21

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hey..Long Time No See...

Hey there everyone...sorry its been so long since I've posted...I've missed you!!
Just a little update on things around here:
Its only 4 WEEKS from tomorrow that my Dearest MystKate will be arriving and I"M SO EXCITED!!!!! I can hardly wait!!!!!! I feel like its been so long since I've seen her and I miss her terribly...but I don't have to wait much longer now do I??
Speaking of my dearest LepMate...our tickets for the DEF LEP show at the PNC arrived the other day.....Now I'm doubley excited....I'm counting the days...LMAO!!!!! I still can't believe that our dream is coming true..I really can't. We are definitely two of the luckiest girls in the world!!!
In case you all have been wondering where the hell I've been these past few weeks and why I haven't been leaving comments on my Blog or anyone else's...I'm sorry that I've been so pre-occupied with life that I've been neglecting you, my dear friends. But you see, hubby lost his job a short time ago and we've been working together to set him up in his own business. Which is alot of work in itself. Ontop of that, I started working part-time (9am-2pm) for my friend Cheri, who owns her own flower shop and I work everyday so by the time I get home I have to get the kids off their buses and take care of all the things I didn't get to do during the day ....I'm sure you all know how that is. But I'm a bit out of practice as far as being a "working Mom" is concerned. I'm still getting used to my new schedule so hopefully soon I'll be more organized and have time for myself when I can visit all your Blogs and leave comments on my own.
Please forgive my absence...its not that I dont want to be there for all of you and message one another...its just that I cant' seem to get my ass in gear and make the time. I still love you all and think about you often. I miss reading and commenting so I promise to make the time in the near future.
This past weekend, hubby and the kids and I drove down to St. Augustine, Florida to attend the wedding of hubby's best friend. (pictures to follow as soon as they're downloaded...) Lemme just say...what a trip that was. LOL... We left NJ at 5:00pm on Thurs., arrived in FLA 6:30 pm on Friday...went to the wedding and reception from 5-11 pm on Saturday...then left FLA at 11:00am Sunday and after a brief (ha ha) detour to Myrtle Beach, S.C...we arrived back home in NJ, Monday (yesterday) evening around 6:30pm.
We must have been out of our minds...LMAO!!!!
But Barry and Kara (the bride and groom) were so happy and appreciative that we came down to share in their joyous day that it was worth the trip...but we're exhausted....I could sleep for a :D
So...needless to say, seeing as I worked today...I still have to unpack and do laundry, I had better get going for now. I'll try to be back as soon as I can and I promise to check out everyone blog's as well.
LOVE AND HUGS TO YOU ALL...esp. my dearest Kate!!! I'm countin' the days Love...and I can hardly wait to see you!!!
Bye for now....{{{Muah}}}

P.S....Ooh Oooh and the New DEF LEP cd today...all I can say is "OH YEAH !!!" it rocks Baby!!!! Gotta love our LepMen!!!