Slang'd Angel's Blog: 2007-07-15

Friday, July 20, 2007

Does anyone remember me???

Hey all....
Does anyone remember me? I think by now you all must think that I had fallen off the face of the
I know I promised quite some time ago (Thanksgiving,actually!) That I'd keep in touch here in Blogland...and I swear that was NO LIE. I had EVERY intention of staying around but right around Christmas my life turned upside down in several major ways.
I will try to elaborate but keep it as brief as I can.
FIRST: We decided to totally and I mean totally re-do our house. You see, since my father-in-law passed away, Mom has been very unhappy with her living arrangements (long story) and was trying for months to move back into the town she had built her life in for some 30+ years. Which is where her and Dad lived and Rick and I live now. luck in finding a house she could afford that was close enough for us to help. SOooooooooooooooo, we thought about it and thought about it and I suggested that we make our house bigger and have her come live with us. So...we are now in the process of making our 3 bedroom two story cape into a full 2 story colonial!! With Mom having 850 square feet on the ground floor to herself...she'll have her own bedroom, livingroom, bathroom and walk in closets. We'll share a huge common area kitchen though...which is really cool since I've never in my 19 years of marriage had a kitchen that wasnt circa So we moved our family into a rental house 6 miles away from our's and have been living in a shoe box since mid March.....HELP ME!!!! lmao
SECOND: Once that decision was made...due to some extenuating circumstances of my brother in law's (he's a single dad with 5 kids)...we took temporary guardianship of my 11 yr. old nephew. Which has been pretty interesting to say the least. He's a good kid and he and my son get along great...but man...its alittle more than I expected at times.
But gets
My niece had taken the other 4 remaining girls to live with her and her husband but one night in June...right before school got nephews twin sister decided that she wasn't happy there and needed to live seperate from her older siblings (all girls) she asked to join her brother and come live with us.
I, of course in a momentary lapse of sanity...said "sure." we a tiny 3 bedroom ranch...with 4 kids, 2 dogs, assorted fish and reptiles.....WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?!?!?!? and still 2+months to go until our house is finished, God willing.
So...the last several months of my life have been filled with taxing kids all over the state, working, moving, planning and drama, drama, drama!!!
You don't know how many times I've tried to sit down at this damn computer and finally make an entry in my blog...but as you can tell, hopefully, by now...I havent had much time for myself in months. SIGH
I did just want to let you all know, that I'm still alive and kicking (most days) and I have sincerely missed you all.
I have been checking some blogs from time to time(my computer was down for weeks at several points in time ) BRIEFLY, I might add, never having the time to read everything and/or post a message and for that I am truly sorry. I still consider you all my dear friends and hope you missed me too. You were all there for me when I needed you and you prayers and it is my sincerest wish that I can return the favors in the future...I will try to do my best to stick around this time. Cross my heart.
I have to run for now...dinner is calling and the natives are getting restless. (Now I definitely know why hubby and I stopped at 2 kids!!!)
I hope to hear from you all soon....

Oh...and on a happy note....Going to see our "LEPMEN "in 26 days and counting...YEEHA!!!!