Have You Missed Me???
Just wanted to check in and say "Hello"...its been a busy, busy week. First off, we had a couple more snow storms...one of them was a pretty big one!! Almost a foot and we're supposed to have another this weekend..UGH!
The kids have been keeping me busy (Sometimes I feel like a friggin' taxi service..LOL!) SO between driving the kids everywhere and getting some more writing done (up to page 322 so far on my newest manuscript...Yippee) I've been keeping pretty busy. Before I knew it, it had been a week since I had written in my blog and I figured I had better get my ass movin'. SO here I am.
Sorry that there's nothing really exciting to tell....but my dear Kate has told me that they have recently annouced the first 4 dates for the 2005 DEF LEPPARD tour (Can I get a HELL YEAH>!??>!>?!) Its about time...but still none close enough to N.J !?!?! Better get a move on guys..I'm waiting...its been TOO LONG!!! I'm starting to go through withdrawal..LOL
So, I guess I'll have to keep my eyes and ears peeled for any more news and/or dates!
If anyone hears anything else before I do...PLEASE tell me A.S.A.P> THanks!!
and if I here anything I'll post it immediately as well.
So...since I really don't have anything more exciting news...I know I'm a bit boring lately...I guess I'll sign off and see you all soon. I'm going to be posting some of my writing soon, (if anyone is interested....hope so) as soon as my hubby shows me how to create a link file for it so I dont have to take up so much space here. It should allow me to post a few chapters and provide you all with a direct link to the file. I'll let you know when its up and running.
So take care for now....please drop me a line when you get a chance...love reading your comments.
so 'memba..."Until next time, and there will be a next time!" :D
Hugs to all,