Slang'd Angel's Blog: Somebody Help Me!!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Somebody Help Me!!

Somebody save me....the kids are home on Spring Break and I'm losing my mind after only one day!!! :C Today has felt like a scene from "Revenge of the Teenagers" around here...UGH...I feel sick to my stomach, my nerves are on edge, and my stomach feels like I swallowed a bucket of rotten eggs...Yuck!! My daughter had 3 of her friends over today and they all decided to start painting her room...then proceeded to not only venture out onto our roof (which might I add has as 45 degree pitch...and she has already been warned not to go out there!) and hang out as if it were a tanning salon; complete with pillows and all, but when they came back inside they proceeded to start a paint fight..WHAT A MESS!!!
What was I said the other day??? "Teenagers..gotta love 'em"?? Well...ask me later in the week if that statement still holds this rate she'll be lucky if she makes it to 15..LOL!!
My son on the other hand was well behaved...Thank God for that. If they had double teamed me, you would all have to reach me at! (fictional site)
Anyway...hopefully tomorrow will be a bit calmer now that hubby read her the riot act later in the evening. She truly is a great kid...but when she has her moments...they usually last a day or two.
I truly didn't log on tonight to rant and rave...just wanted to let you all know that I tried TaeKwonDo tonight and had a blast...for the most part. It was alittle tough on my body after the stressful day I had...and I had to sit out the last 15 minutes for fear that I was gonna pass out...not because it was too difficult...but my stomach had been giving me horrible trouble all day and I think I let myself get dehydrated. I made it fine through the first 45 minutes..but then I suddenly started to feel dizzy and shakey so I downed half a bottle of water and got some fresh air. Hubby told me not to push I sat out the last bit of class. But I will go again..that's for sure. It was easier than I thought it would be and alot of fun!!
So THANK YOU to all of you for your encouragement and cheerleading....I took your advice and am glad I did!! Will keep you posted on how things are progressing!
I'm about to crawl into bed now...just wanted to post a little something before I turned in and say "HI" to all my pals in Blogland....esp. my dearest Kate who I keep missing on Yahoo lately. I MISS YOU TONS DEARIE!!! and love ya' bunches; hope to see you tomorrow and have a good 'ole chat!
Will post more sure I'll have many more interesting and humorous stories to tell by week's end. If today was any indication of how this week is going to go...I just might need to vent on a daily basis...LMAO!!!
Anyway, hugs to all of you..and I'll see you soon! NIGHT NIGHT!!!

Words for the day: "Let me down slow n' easy...cause there ain't nothin' I can do. I hope and pray my faith won't leave me...when it comes down to me and you. Try a little tenderness...I die alittle... for a long lost sweet caress..."


Blogger Jude said...

I LOVE Breathe A Sigh!!! Nobody sings harmony so beautifully as our Lepps do!

Spring Break happened here the last week of March. I'm sure you're only joining some Mothers here (who are still recuperating) at "", lol

Glad your tae kwon do class went well! But hey you must take care of you and not get dizzy!!

Good luck with the rest of spring break!

9:44 AM  

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