Slang'd Angel's Blog: HELP ME!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2005


Quote for the day:D...."Talking to teenagers is like trying to nail "jello" to a tree!! LOL
I am surrounded and being over-run by teenagers today...HELP ME!!! My daughter and her friends are taking over my house....the bass is pounding through my ceiling, their screams are echoing down the hall and there will sure be no rest for the wicked tonight!! Even my little boy is running amuck all over the house trying to keep up with them and be included in their "gang"....bless his heart ;D
Phew...I'm tired already and its only 8:30...why I agree to let them invade my house day after day is beyond me...subjecting myself to their teenage rantings and over dramatics.....I MUST BE CRAZZZZZZY!! but truth be told...I secretly love it...wouldn't have it any other way. Knowing that I'm the "cool" mom that everyone wants to ask advice from and hang out with is an honor. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful daughter who thinks enough of me to consider me "one of the girls"...I recommend it highly!
Anyway....speaking of teenagers and niece is also on her way over...(she's 21) poor thing just broke up with her BF...who's 20 going on 15, if you know what I mean Ladies. Totally immature, totally self-centered and never does anything wrong....URGHH!!! I hate that!!! She deserves better!'ll probably be another night up until about 2 a.m.(just like Wed. night). But's the weekend so who gives a sh*t, right? LOL
Well, I'm off to take some Tylenol and make a strong pot of coffee...see you all soon...Have an awesome weekend....
"Sweet LEP DREAMS to all...and to all, a GoodNight!"

Words for the day: "It was one part love; one part wild; one part lover; one part child...A whole lotta fire; a little bit of ice....a whole lotta something you can't sacrifice..."


Blogger Jude said...

Fun post! I hope you survived it!! ;)

11:34 AM  
Blogger KC in Fla said...

I know the feeling- My eldest and her friends invade all the time!
Oh, and I finally have you linked. Sorry it took so long :-(

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you're the "cool" mom who lets everybody come over.
Some days I miss being a teenager with no responsibilities... hanging with friends, listening to music, and complaining how bored we were. :D

5:30 PM  

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