After Ricky left, Erica and I hung around near the door where we had been standing with him and Joe appeared several feet away from us through a curtain that was hanging over the dressing room doorway.
He was speaking to some guy who appeared to be associated with the band and kept looking over at us. A security guard just inside the door was talking to us and I looked over to see that Joe and this man were shaking hands goodbye. Just as he turned his back, he kinda looked over his shoulder as if he were waiting for me to say something. Sneaky buggar!
So I did...lol !! I said, "Oh Mr. Elliott..." and he stopped dead in his tracks and turned around slowly..as if he were teasing and said, "Yesssss" in a kinda drawn out tone of voice. Then smiled wide and walked towards us.
He stopped in the doorway and we exchanged hello's then I introduced myself and Erica. He gave me the same look that Phil had...the one like he thought he recognized me so I reminded him of us meeting in Lakewood in July and the portrait I gave him from Kate. To which he said,, "That's right...good to see you again." And mentioned that the second portrait was at home with the first she drew. (See Kate...I told ya'!!!..he he)
I went on to remind him that he had met Erica and I a few years ago as well at that radio station and he squinted his eyes, thinking back while I reminded him of the chocolate guitar I made him for his birthday and gave to him that day.
His eyes lit up and he smirked and said, "Yeah...I memba. Ya' tend to rememba those sort of things. Its not every day someone gives me a chocolate guitar."
Then he looked at Erica and said, "Boy, you've gotten a tad taller since then."
I swear her jaw dropped to the floor. She couldnt believe that Joe had remembered her as well. What a thrill!! Here's the pic I took of them together.
(After their pic...Erica leaned over to me and whispered, "My God he's tall..I never realized Joe was so tall.." (HE HE...she's too funny!)

We talked about the show that night...how their set seemed shorter that evening and why...how the crowd seemed so subdued...etc....just B.S.'ed. It was so cool!
I told him that I had promised my dearest friend Kate (who drew his portraits) that I would give him a big hug from her...all the way from England so he smiled and said, "My pleasure " then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up onto my tiptoes for an enormous one -armed bear hug. (One handed since he had a drink in the other hand...lol) Then he set me down just as Erica was getting the camera ready. I asked if I could have a picture with him and he said "of course." He kept his arm around me and pulled me against his side then said, "C'mon, get in here then & smile". So I put my arm around him on his shoulder and VIOLA'....here's our pic!

Erica and I only hung around for a few more minutes because we had to ask the security guards how we were supposed to get out of the arena. The entire place was locked up tight since the concert had ended some time ago and the only people left in the whole place where the band, roadies, security, crew staff and US....lol!
So...a short man in a blue collared shirt with a "crew security" logo embroidered on it tried to explain to us the best and only way for us to get out but then decided to escort us himself. He led us out passed the semi(-truck )that was parked down a long ramp behind the stage area and was being loaded up with the bands equipment- then up and out the driveway, passed the security booth and next to the tour buses into the parking lot. It was hysterical....my car was the only one left in the entire arena parking lot, several rows over from the buses. It was pouring rain and cold....but we ran the entire way to the car.
WHAT A NIGHT, EH????? So ladies...that was our little adventure with the LeppMen..well 3 of 'em anyway!!! Was that cool or what??? I honestly dont know why I always get so lucky. I'm not complaining, mind you, I'm just lucky I guess. What ever the reason behind it...I'm glad I've got it...it makes for alot of great times and treasured memories!
Ok...now that my story has been told...I'm off to do a bit of reading and then head to bed. I hope it was worth the wait guys.. I truly hope you enjoyed hearing all about it and seeing all my amazing pics. Take care everyone...love & hugs to you all!!!
Holy moly!!! What I wouldn't give to be in your shoes in that picture! Excellent! :-)
Oh Man! I'm gonna have to go with you on the next tour! Lucky!!!
*as she turns green with envy* :-)
Great review and pics. You're so lucky to have met Joe. He is a funny guy. Thanks for sharing your Lep experience with us again.
Ahhh Lisa thank you so much for sharing your story and your pictures!! What a lucky lady you are is right ~~ and such terrific, one-of-a-kind memories and pictures to keep forever!
Thanks ladies...I really appreciate all your interest and comments on my little adventure. I hope you enjoyed reading it and seeing all my great pics as much as I enjoyed sharing them with you.
And yes..I know what a lucky lady I am!! In my wildest dreams I could never have imagined my good fortune this year as far as meeting and hanging out with the band is concerned.
I can honestly say that they are a group of amazing talents as well as several of the nicest, sweetest guys you'd ever want to meet. Truly appreciative of their fans and more than happy to have a chat or take a pic or sign an autograph. It was a definite pleasure to see them again!!
I hope that you all are lucky enough to get your own opportunity some day to meet them yourselves!!
It will def be an experience you will never forget...trust me!! What a trip....lol
Hugs to you all :D
A great 'ol big warm huggy from JTE.
That sounds good on a blustery day like today. ;)
Looks like you enjoyed yourselves thoroughly. Great pics!
Love the Joe pics and story, Lisa!
Thanks again for sharing another fabulous Lepp adventure, and I hope your incredible good luck rubs off on those of us who have not yet had the pleasure of meeting our favorite band members ;D
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