Ghoulish Pics...
Hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween yesterday..we did around here! Just thought I'd post some great pics we took of our little ghouls:D
This first shot is of my little guy at the Halloween party they hosted at our TaeKwonDo school. Isn't he the cutest Darth Vadar you've ever order to get the full effect of how awesome my daughter and her boyfriend Michael looked last night..I'm going to show you a before and after shot of them together. So here's how they looked before their costumes and make-up....

And here they are after...

Don't they look awesome??? Erica had such a great time "punking" him out..and Michael actually kinda liked the (minus the makeup of course) They had a whole bunch of their friends over and got ready then took off trick-or-treating around our neighborhood.
I even got dressed up as well (I'm such a big kid at heart) and took our little guy out for a bit...we had alot of fun!! Maybe I'll even post a pic or two of me in my costume...?!?!?!?! We'll see.
Anyway...I'm gotta run for now, we have TKD class in less than an hour and I have to get ready.
Have a bunch more pics from last night if you guys wanna see them later...just didn't want to bore
Until next time---"and there will be a next time"....
They look awesome.
Come on us your H'ween get-up. :)
How cute everyone looks! And YES.... show your costume!
Great costumes, and YES we want to see yours too Lisa! :)
Oh yes, where is Mom and her costume?? lol The kids look adorable!
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