One Proud Mom...
Last weekend our beautiful daughter Erica (who me?... bragging??? her confirmation and we had a bash afterwards at our house. I've posted some pics in case you guys wanted to take a peek.

DROOL.....Oh god...I'm making myself hungry already...lmao
Well...gotta dash for now...lots to do around here before Thurs. We're having 15 people here for about you??? What are all my dear friends plans for Turkey Day????? Drop me a line to say HI and fill me in...I miss you.
Havent heard from alot of you ladies in a while :C
Well...take care all...have a great week...Luv ya!
my little guy is 5 and he has his yellow belt in TKD he is having a hard time with the more complex forms so I think it will be awhile before he moves up in rank. Tell your little guy good job.
I have been a reader for awhile I just dont post very much I also met DL back in the 80's here in Maine got a ride one the bus for like 1 mile to the outdoor concert I dont really remember much of the show or the ride now. What can you expect it was the 80's.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Congratulations to both of your good-lookin' kiddos, Lisa! :)
OMG you're making my mouth water reading your post about pies and turkey..... us Canadians had our Thanksgiving in October. I wish all my American friends a terrific Thanksgiving!
Your kiddos sound like wonderful kids and you have every right to be proud. Thanks for sharing the photos. :)
Nice photos and GREAT kiddies, Lisa! You are absolutely entitled to brag on them :D This year, everyone (17 in total) are spending the holiday at my brother's and SIL's house, so it should be fun and festive, especially for my Dad :D Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Great photos, and you have every right to brag!
Happy Thanksgiving, Lisa!
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