Sorry It Took Me So Long I am..finally and Here They Are!!!

BTW....After I uploaded these pics I realized they are abit out of order but ...oh well..nobody's perfect...LOL!!! These are some shots of the last few precious moments our Lepps were on stage for all to see and enjoy!! And believe me when I tell you...they kicked ass!!! I havent heard them sound that good in a while..NOT that they dont always sound amazing...dont get me wrong. But they sounded extra-amazing that night...NEVER BETTER!!!

Ok ladies...I hate to say it...but that's all I have. Hope you enjoyed seeing my pics and hearing my story about my AMAZING DAY (&NIGHT) !! I know I will NEVER EVER forget it..I had the time of my life.
MANY MANY thanks and big hugs to my niece Jessica for all the utterly awesome pics of me the with guys..dont know what I would have done without her!!
And tons of love and thanks to my wonderful hubby who stayed up with me, listening to me rant and rave about the time I had and even though he was totally exhausted...stayed up with me to download all the awesome pics from my camera and size them on my computer for me!! Isn't he the best???? {{{Huge hugs & kisses to you Rick...I love you Honey!!!!}}}
Well....I"m off to get some housework done and get packing. Yep, you heard me right...packing!! Yippee!!! After all we've been going through with Rick's dad (update coming soon) and all the other stresses in our lives lately...we have finally decided and made arrangements to get away as a family for a few days. We don't want to go far, for obvious reasons, but after not thinking that ANY sort of vacation was going to be possible this summer, we have made plans to go away camping for 5 days and we leave on Sunday morning!!! I can hardly wait!!
I'll fill you in on the details in my next post...and let you all know how Dad is doing. All I can say for now is PLEASE keep those prayers coming..he needs them!! Thanks to all "my angels" :D
Ok...well...I'm off. Have to dash for now...I'll try to post again soon...Love to you all and stay safe and healthy and cool in this summer heat!!!
Great pics again! Thank you for sharing your Lep journey with us! And enjoy your time away....we all need to get away from the daily stresses now and again.
Thanks Lisa! I thoroughly enjoyed your Lepp show story and those amazing photos! Have a wonderful time away with your family, you deserve it! :D
Your pictures and stories were absolutely amazing Lisa, and thank you for sharing it all with us, we thoroughly enjoyed it! You deserve some quality time away now, so enjoy your trip, and I'll be keeping your father-in-law in my prayers for sure. Now...go have FUN!
Loved the pics Lisa!
You have a great time on your trip, and we'll keep the prayers coming!!
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