Slang'd Angel's Blog: A Little Ray of Sunshine....

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Little Ray of Sunshine....

Greetings all :D
I'm back..and finally with some good news for a change.!!! With all the events that have unfolded over the past few weeks (months...{{sigh}}..) I had put others things in my life on hold that were less important and with that I held off mentioning an exciting event that is coming up for me. But now that all the stressful days are behind me for now(hopefully)...I would like to share with you what I feel is a "little ray of sunshine" in the dark & sad times that my family and I have been experiencing.
7 DAYS from TODAY....on Wednesday, October daughter and I are going to the Continental Airlines Arena to see.....none other than....The Boys (pardon me- -Men) themselves!!! Yep, you guessed it!! We're off to see the lads from Sheffield...DEF LEPPARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH....YIPPEE!!!! :D
Am I doin' the happy dance or what?? Who's the lucky girl, eh??? LOL
I got the tickets a month ago and put them away in my drawer but's time to get ready!!!! Let the excitement and anticipation begin...
I can hardly wait. I'm soooooooooooooo looking forward to this concert. Erica and I havent been to a concert together in awhile so this is gonna be so cool. She's really excited too...bless her "rock n' roll" heart. We went to see them a few years ago together and she loved it!!!
So...thats my exciting news for today my dear friends...I'll be thinking of you all while I'm sitting (who am I kidding....sitting????...I'll be standing..LOL!!) in my awesome seats, singing (screaming???) along with Mr. Elliott and the boys for an amazing 2 hours of LEP Music!!! Promise to fill you in on all the details :D
Well...I gotta run for now...have a hair appointment in an hour then some errands to run. I'll see you all soon!!! Have a great day!!!
Love & {{HUGS}}


Blogger KC in Fla said...

I'm glad for you! You need that after all you've been through lately!
Oh, and the first comment reminds me of Monty Python: Spam, Spam,Spam!! :-)

10:52 AM  
Blogger Jude said...

Ah Lisa you dear girl, it is SO good to hear you have something fun to look forward to for a change! And what could be better than seeing our Lepps!!! I know you will have fabulous time, and I can't wait to hear all about it!

God bless you sweetie! :)

10:30 PM  
Blogger Rhonda Elizabeth said...

I hope you had a great time at the show ...

Are you going to share some pics? *grin*

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it always the "pretty girls" who manage to get great seats. :D

Oh, I can't complain too least I'll get to ~hear~ them. (giggle)

Glad to hear that all is settling down; and you sound like you're feeling better.

Have a safe and wonderful time at the concert, and with your awesome luck, we might be treated to more "close encounter" photos......sigh...

10:46 PM  
Blogger Maggie James said...

Thank you ladies for all your wonderful comments and for being so happy for me!!! I"M SO EXCITED...2 days and counting!!
KATE- I wish you could come with me too Dearie..that would be the best!!! But I'll be thinking of you "All Night"..LOL
KC-Youre so funny lady!! does reming me of Monty Python..hehe
JUDE-Thanks love..I'm so glad that something really great is happening for a change too..I promise to fill you all in on the details ;D
RHONDA-I hope I can get some good shots to share with you all..fingers crossed!
SANDY-I am feeling better Dear..thanks :D I hope that my awesome luck is still in fullforce..LOL..who knows, maybe I will have some great pics and an awesome tale or two to tell about the show.."Close Encounters" are what memories are made of so keep me in your thoughts on Wed. night!!
Thanks again to all of you for you friendship and support through the rough times..
Love and {{HUGS}} to you all!!

10:52 AM  

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